Christmas Phone Call/Best Present Ever!
Merry Christmas! We got to talk to Jake on the phone exciting to hear his voice. He was at a member's house with his companion and two other missionaries and their recent baptism, Jake. We had such a fun time talking to him and also got to say hi to Jake. He didn't write to us this week since he knew he would get to talk to us on Christmas Day. He did tell us that the family he talked about in his last letter, that has 4 boys has set a baptism date at the end of January and they have just started teaching them so tune in next time for more details. We will be in Mexico next Monday and I'm not sure what kind of e-mail access we will have so if we don't post anything next week please don't give up on us. We are posting some miscellaneous pictures that members in Oklahoma have posted on Facebook.
Ward Christmas Party! I'm sure they do really get lots of missionary work done with a little dose of fun on Holidays.
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