Sunday, November 3, 2013

Baptism Dates Set!

Dear Family,
Ok so this has been another good one. We met with Kevin, one of our investigators, and he has already planned out his entire baptism, he has gone through the baptismal questions, he reads the Book of Mormon every night, and overall he is just ready. He is going to be baptized on November 9th so we are so excited. Keep praying for him though because you never know how Satan is going to attack right before people make these kind of covenants. We've been meeting with him for a couple months and every time we meet with him he is more excited about it all. We're so excited too!
I forgot my joural today so I'm trying to write all of this out of memory which is way harder because I put a ton of good stuff in there. We have enough good stories to last for a while though so I think we're in good shape. On Monday we got to teach a Family Home Evening group for singles over 30 which was a total blast. We didn't have time to prepare super well, but we were talking about Christlike attributes and Preach My Gospel has a really good activity so we were set. We split everyone up into different groups and I got to chat for a while with a bunch of really nice ladies. On a scale from 1 to awesome, it was pretty dang neat.
We got to see Jake a whole bunch this week, and some of my favorite quotes are, "I'm 99.9% sure how this all ends", and "Not only do I want to be baptized, I will be baptized". He's getting a lot closer to baptism and we still believe that he's going to baptized on November 9th. He went from not believing in Christ and thinking the Book of Mormon was a total joke to starting to believe in Christ and confident/hopeful that the Book of Mormon is true. He is getting so close, but looking back at how far he has come is amazing. He has been prepared over his life to hear this gospel and he is going to be a very strong member. Someone came up to church this week and is trying to set him up with her friend. Someone on the public affairs committee invited him to dinner with us too because he knows a lot of people that work in politics. Our ward is really excited to see Jake and Kevin at church each week and they're both getting so close to baptism. Just another week and a half.
We also met with the Helsleys multiple times and they're definitely making progress. Sister Helsley has basically told us that she believes what we tell her and she loves how family oriented it all is. We are trying to build her a support system because she has so many friends from other churches, and she doesn't have a whole lot of support from our ward. Once we build that up she will take a lot more steps though. We talked with their neighbors for a while about ideas how we can help them. They are some of the funniest members ever and Brother Adams was dancing around the exact way that dad does. I sarted dying laughing when he started doing it.
Overall this has been a super awesome week. I'm super bummed that I forgot my journal, but this is plenty I guess. One day we were riding through the slightly less wealthy area (hard-core ghettos, hide yo kids, hide yo wife), and Elder Evans stops to give this guy a card and he starts screaming, " Methodist! Methodist! Methodist! Methodist!". Haha it was like we were offending him by just being in his presence and he wouldn't even look at us. We got a total kick out of it though, and we always see so many funny things in that area. We also meet some of the most humble amazing people, so you never know what you're going to get.
Anyways I hope things continue to go well at home. Sounds like Vegas was a good time, and you're all having fun. I love you lots and have a good week. HFF!
-Elder Hoddy

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